Bee-Kind Honey is born from a deep love for bees, nature, and the South African land. We ensure every jar of honey is pure, raw, and brimming with natural flavours, untouched by artificial processes. The bees forage freely in diverse flora, capturing the unique essence of the Western Cape’s wild beauty in each drop of honey.

Bee-Kind Honey is more than just a sweet treat—it’s a natural powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants. Unlike processed honey, our honey is unfiltered and raw, preserving the essential enzymes, minerals, and flavours straight from the hive. This means you get honey just as the bees made it, full of healthful benefits and taste.

As a dedicated beekeeper, Pierre Slabber has sustainability and bee welfare are at the heart of what he does. By prioritising natural beekeeping practices, he supports healthy bee colonies and local ecosystems. And as a proudly South African, he is committed to sustainable practices that protect the bees and bring you honey in its purest, most natural form.